Seven Mercy Residents Baptized at Destiny Church
April 25, 2017
On Sunday, April 23rd, seven Mercy Multiplied residents were baptized at Destiny Church in St. Louis, Missouri.
“For the first time in my life, I have freedom from oppression, and I’m walking in Christ’s resurrection power. I was excited for a chance to publicly lay my old life to rest,” said one Mercy resident, expressing her excitement to be baptized.
Lead Pastor of Destiny Church, Jim Stern, shared a message on the importance of the Holy Spirit in believer’s lives. Stern noted, “The Holy Spirit is here to help.”
The residents were baptized by Pastor Stern’s wife, Jessica Stern, as well as the youth pastor, Jonathan Thomas, and staff pastor, Jeff Allensworth.
“I am now a completely different person in Christ,” said another Mercy resident. “The transformation in my life was something I wanted to share with the church that walked beside me while I found God. My sins are no longer there, and I have been washed clean.”
Pastor Stern shared the importance of being a light that shines in the darkness of unredeemed hearts. He continued his sermon by asking, “How many of you, before you knew Jesus, felt that light? The light is there to help steer towards the mercy and kindness of God.”
Another Mercy resident reflects on her baptism: “After years of struggling with who I needed to be and trying to live under false identities, I decided that I needed to trust God and love myself as He loves me. This is my new beginning, to finally be the woman God has planned for me to be.”
All of the current St. Louis Mercy residents attended the service to encourage their sisters for making the courageous decision to publicly display their commitment to God.
“I chose to be baptized out of obedience to the Word of God. I have struggled with feeling truly ‘cleansed.’ Receiving forgiveness has been an ongoing struggle,” another Mercy resident shared. “As scared as I was to stand and make a public display of my commitment, God helped me to get in the water and receive all He had for me in that moment.”
To listen to Pastor Stern’s full message from this baptism service, please click here.
Mercy is grateful for the support of Pastor Stern and Destiny Church and for the “church home” provided to the St. Louis residents as they learn and grow their faith.