This week Jen shares about hearing the voice of God. Jen often shares about hearing the voice of God at MPower Workshops and we’re grateful for the words she shared with us today!
Have you ever noticed that God is strategic in how He speaks to us? We’re all different. We all need things at different times. We all hear God’s voice differently, and we all respond to things differently.
Some of us are given different spiritual gifts that help aid us in hearing His voice. At times the Holy Spirit will whisper something to us in our hearts. Other times a certain verse from the Bible or a picture pops into our minds. However you hear God’s voice, though it may be different from someone else, one thing is certain: He will make himself known and loves to communicate with us.
There are a variety of different ways that God speaks to us – some are more internal and others are external. There are 3 main ways that God speaks to us internally. They include:
- A still, small voice, which is often referred to as our “conscience” and is the Holy Spirit speaking to us in our hearts.
- Impressions, which are thoughts that the Holy Spirit deposits in our mind.
- Pictures (sometimes referred to as visions) and dreams. These are pictures that the Holy Spirit gives to us to communicate in a different way.
God is so creative and has a variety of other ways that He communicates with us externally. Some of these can include:
- Scripture in the Bible. This might occur when you’re praying over something specific, and the words from a certain scriptural passage just jump out at you in a way that only God can make happen.
- An example of this might be receiving a random text of encouragement from a friend on a day when those were the exact words you needed to hear at that exact time. That friend might not have even known what was going on in your heart, but God did.
- Pastors and leaders. Do you ever sit in church and feel like the message is for you? Much like our friends and family members, God speaks through pastors and other spiritual leaders to reach His people.
- How many times have you been in the car with something on your mind, and then turn on the radio to a worship song with the exact words of encouragement you need to hear at that moment? That’s definitely not a coincidence.
- Sometimes God speaks to us in all of these ways. He may reveal Himself through scripture, and confirm what He’s trying to say through something, or someone, else.
Jeremiah 33:2-3 from the Message states – “This is GOD’s Message, the God who made earth, made it livable and lasting, known everywhere as GOD: ‘Call to me and I will answer you. I’ll tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own.’”
God promises to speak to us and show us things that we need to know when we call out to Him and give Him space to communicate with us. When you’re seeking God’s voice, keep your heart and mind open. You may be expecting to hear God in one way, but He may choose to reveal Himself in another. Prayerfully seek Him, and He will make himself known.