
Pastor Scott

2020-09-21T14:49:32-05:00Mar 16, 2020|Keys to Freedom|

The majority of the men went extremely deep and after the study, several of them said it was one of the most life-changing things they had gone through. I believe that the impact was so great.

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2020-09-21T14:49:33-05:00Mar 15, 2020|Keys to Freedom|

Keys to Freedom changed my life. This year has been a year of being humbled, sanctified, and foundation-building. I’m walking with confidence in who Christ made me. I’m no longer giving people power over me.

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2020-09-21T14:49:33-05:00Mar 15, 2020|Keys to Freedom|

I was so tired of being weighed down with guilt, shame, fear, and unworthiness. The more I gave to Him, the more I felt I could breathe. I started to truly understand what having Christ's authority meant.

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2020-09-21T14:49:33-05:00Mar 15, 2020|Keys to Freedom|

I spent much of my time denying and justifying and blaming. It was only leading me deeper into that pit. I would suffocate in the endless cycle that offered no real relief. I was embarrassed and ashamed to tell anyone, so I kept silent.

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2020-09-21T14:49:33-05:00Mar 15, 2020|Keys to Freedom|

I was very fearful in the weeks before the start of the Keys to Freedom class. I would cry a lot or get angry and irritated for any reason without realizing that this behavior was my psychological response to the possibility of revisiting old wounds.

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2020-09-21T14:49:34-05:00Mar 15, 2020|Keys to Freedom|

I was literally covered with guilt, disappointment, shame, and condemnation. I couldn’t see beyond my mistakes. I was stuck. I felt like a pillar of salt, not looking back, just unable to move forward.

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2020-09-21T14:49:34-05:00Mar 15, 2020|Keys to Freedom|

What I love about the study is that no matter where you are in your walk with God, how deep your wounds are, or how much baggage you have, this study meets you right where you are.

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2020-09-21T14:49:34-05:00Mar 15, 2020|Keys to Freedom|

As hard as this study was to get through emotionally, it was one of the best experiences of my life. I am healed.

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2020-09-21T14:49:34-05:00Mar 15, 2020|Keys to Freedom|

This study enabled me to see the truth about what lies I've believed. I recommend this study to EVERYONE!

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2020-09-21T14:49:34-05:00Mar 14, 2020|Keys to Freedom|

Keys to Freedom has changed the way I look at my childhood and my future. I knew I did not like the way I felt growing up and suffered much of my adult life in making wrong decisions that impacted my life negatively and those of my children.

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2020-09-21T14:49:35-05:00Mar 14, 2020|Keys to Freedom|

After praying through the principles, I realized the root cause of my bitterness and anger was a root of unforgiveness. I realized I needed to forgive my parents for some trauma from my past.

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2020-09-21T14:49:35-05:00Mar 14, 2020|Keys to Freedom|

I was having night terrors a few times a week, daily life was plagued with the effects of PTSD, and I was unable to go anywhere away from home without a panic attack, with the exception of church.

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