Looking Back to Look Ahead
The end of the year can bring some excitement for many, but also some disappointment and even regret as you look back over the last 12 months. Join MercyTalk hosts, Melanie and Jen, as they discuss the importance of intentionally looking back at the year that has passed in preparation for the year to come! They will also talk through:
- The importance of celebrating the good things and mourning and processing the hard things that happened in 2017.
- Why putting a period on the last year is important for you to shift fully into the New Year that is ahead.
- Practical ways to look back over the last year and remember what the Lord has done.
- How to take ownership if you are heading into the New Year with the same struggles that you had at the start of 2017.
- Some specific questions to ask yourself as you head into a New Year – and a challenge to share them with us here at MercyTalk!
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